
Help Get Tennis Racquets in Hands of Florida Youth via Round Up App, Specialty License Plate
Alexis Johnson, USTA Florida Foundation Executive Director
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”– Margaret Mead
Tennis lovers across the state support the USTA Florida Section Foundation’s mission of “Changing Lives Through Tennis” and have brought big opportunities to life over the last eight years via the grant programs. Now there’s an opportunity to amplify their donations of spare change and turn it into $1,000.
Through the Foundation’s partnership with the Round Up App, donors can now be part of the change statewide by rounding up each purchase made on the credit or debit card they designate. The Round Up App has committed to a $1,000 donation to the Foundation if 25 new donors sign up and designate the USTA Florida Section Foundation as their charity of choice by 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 19, 2018.
A $1,000 donation from the Round Up App team will put 75 new racquets and 180 balls into the hands of youth and adaptive programs statewide. That’s on top of the pennies those 25 new donors contribute by rounding up their purchases and keeping the momentum going all year long. While this is small change for donors, it’s a game changer for the tennis programs needing the equipment.
Donors looking to be the change that grows the next generation of tennis players can visit now to register with the Round Up App and help make that $1,000 donation a possibility for those needing it the most. Friday, October 19, 2018 at 5 PM is the cutoff for registrations counting towards the Foundation being eligible to receive the $1,000 donation from the Round Up App.
Another way Florida tennis lovers can support the grant program includes registering for a Play Tennis! specialty license plate. With more than 3,500 plates currently on the road, the Foundation is close to their goal of 4,000 Play Tennis! plates which will fund $90,000 in equipment and program support grant opportunities in Florida communities.
Play Tennis! specialty license plates can be obtained through local tax collectors offices when it’s time to renew your vehicle registration or online at all year long. To see what you’re making possible in real time, visit the USTA Florida Section Foundation online at or on social media @USTAFloridaFNDN.