
Serving Up Time, Talent & Treasure: Elizabeth DeConti
The USTA Florida Section Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors with a wealth of experience, tremendous passion for sharing the love of tennis, and a big heart for helping people across the state. Get to know them a little better and learn what moves them to dedicate their time, talents and financial support to changing lives within Florida.
Who: Elizabeth DeConti
Incoming Board Position: Vice President
Hometown: Tampa, Florida
What drew you to continue your time as a USTA Florida Foundation board member?
I have been so proud of the good we have been able to do in the community in the past year, even with all the challenges of COVID-19. We can do even more in the years to come.
Who has inspired you in your life?
My parents! They always worked so hard to put me in a position to succeed, and taught me to be a hard worker too.
What about USTA Florida Foundation’s mission and work really motivates you?
I love that we can bring our sport to new generations of kids, some of whom may not have access to tennis otherwise. Tennis teaches us skills like focus, persistence, and problem solving, which we can apply to other areas of our lives. Additionally, we are all spending so much time on our screens these days that it is important to teach kids the importance of fitness and health, and what better way than through a fun sport like tennis!
What do you want to accomplish in your next two years on the Foundation Board of Directors?
Our board team has tremendous collective experience and a diverse set of skills. I want to work closely with those who have served longer to gather some of their institutional knowledge. I am also looking forward to getting to know our new board members better because they bring special talents to our group.
If you had one extra hour of free time in a day how would you use it?
I would go hit some serves or I would hit some balls with my daughter.
Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
I would definitely take the pause button; I don’t believe in going backwards. We do all need to take a pause now and again to assess where we are and consider the best way to move forward.
If you could visit any place in the world where would it be and why?
Alaska, because it is one of the few U.S. states I have not visited. I want to see sled dogs!
Would you rather be without internet for a week or without your phone?
I would choose the phone. The internet would keep me informed and I could always email anyone I would have called.